Financial Transparency
The Mountain Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES)
Public School Financial Transparency Act
Colorado Revised Statues, 22-44-304 (Commencing July 1, 2023)
- List of Waivers Received - N/A (Mountain BOCES does not have a list of waivers at this time)
- Standardized Description and Rational for Each Automatic Waiver - N/A
- Federal Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF and any associated schedules - N/A
- Plan for Distributing Additional Mill Levy Revenue or Statment of Intent to Distribute - N/A
- Other District Specific Financial Information - See contact information
- Financial Transparency for Colorado Schools Website

Disclaimer: Please consider the context when evaluating financial transactions. Some transactions may appear improper on the surface but are perfectly normal and justifiable when placed in the proper context. We welcome your questions regarding our financial transactions or records.
Informational Summary
Mountain BOCES values open and honest communication with its many stakeholders: districts, staff, students, parents, and taxpayers. In order to meet the requirements of Article 44, Title 22, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, The Public School Financial Transparency Act, we have posted the following items on our website in the Files linked via the buttons above.